Saturday, January 8, 2011

Love this Toy

We didn't do a lot for Christmas this year. We have been working hard to save up our pennies, so we decided to re-gift one of Gavin's old toys for Lincoln.

I bought Gavin this for his second birthday, and he absolutely LOVED IT, so I was really excited to give it to Lincoln.

I cleaned it up and went online to buy replacement parts, so it was like new.
Laugh & Learn Home from Fisher Price

This was seriously the best $30 I ever spent (I got it off Craigslist). :) Not only does Lincoln love it, but Gavin has been playing with it too. Who would of thought?


Mattie said...

What a great idea! Kids so often forget about their toys! So glad the kiddos are enjoying it again.

courtney said...

We got ours back out and Siena is having a ball too! This has been the one toy that just keeps on getting used!