Today you are 6. I can hardly believe that you aren't a baby anymore. You have grown into a kind-hearted, sweet boy who is full of energy and passionate for life.
Looking back this past year:
You invited Jesus into your heart. What a joyous day, to know that you will be with me for eternity. You still have a lot to learn, but your questions always remind me of what a child-like faith is. I pray that you will experience Jesus' love in a real, tangible way. That you encounter his love like you couldn't imagine.
You started kindergarten. You have a passion for learning and you LOVE going to school. I hope that you keep this passion always. You will never be too old to learn something new.
You have grown into an amazing big brother. I knew you would be a great brother, but you have overly exceeded what I had imagined. You always help me with stinky diapers, feeding Linc, and cleaning up toys (and most of the time without complaining.) Watching you two play is so endearing, and I know you will have a bond that will last forever.
You have grown. A lot. I can hardly pick you up anymore. I knew this day would come, but it is here too soon. Pretty soon you will be bigger than me. But make no mistake- I'm still in charge. :)
Thank you for always making me and Daddy laugh. Your creative mind never stops working, and your facial expressions always make me smile. I love you so, so much.

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