Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Lincoln Boy

Our "monkey"- Lincoln is officially walking and running everywhere, climbing on coffee tables, going up the stairs, eating random toys, getting into cupboards, opening doors, and sneaking outside.

It's a good thing he is so cute, otherwise I just might send him to the zoo!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Gavin's front left tooth has been wiggling for about two months now. I'm not sure why, but loose teeth make me queasy, so Gavin thought it was hilarious to trick me into looking at him then wiggle his tooth to one side and the other. Bleh.

Finally, FINALLY, it came out!

Gavin tried giving it a tug, but he was a little nervous, so Daddy took over. One little pull and it was out.

Only a few tears (I think mostly out of shock) and then Gavin was super proud of the "hole" in his mouth. He couldn't wait to show all the kids in his class because he was sure they wouldn't recognize him.

And of course, the tooth fairy came to visit and left Gav $3.

Thursday, May 5, 2011


April was a blur. Here's what I've been doing:

1. Unpacking. With lots of room, but not a lot of furniture, it poses for some challenges. Stacking things in the corners is working pretty well.

2. Cleaning. And lots of it. I have tons of wood floors now, so I'm training Lincoln to wear a mop on his belly and crawl around.

3. Painting. Three rooms down, two to go. Whew.

4. Working. I've officially mastered the talent of multi-tasking. We had some challenges getting the internet hooked up at the house, so I was a wondering nomad for the first two weeks of April. I've been putting in about 20 hours a week, and between dropping/ picking up Gavin from school, Lincoln's naps, breakfast, lunch, and playtime- you learn to get creative. I can now type and sleep at the same time.

5. Gavin started school. I was going to wait and put him in school in September, but I didn't have the time to devote to homeschooling him. He LOVES it, but we have to be up and out of the house by 7:20. Let's just say, I'm the disheveled mother who shows up in my pajamas everyday. Everyone else is way to put together for me.... I don't do mornings.

6. Soaking up the Sun! Since I haven't seen sun in the past four years, I have a lot of catching up to do. Time to break out the SPF 100.

7. Garage sailing. My new favorite hobby. Where else can you get a brand new rug, baby gate, and hardwood vacuum for $20? And the Craigslist free section can be very addicting. We got two leather couches (just a little beat up) for FREE! I may never pay full price for anything again.

8. And what I'm enjoying most: Spending time with my family. Weekly dinners at Dad's, having Mom over to hang and play with the kids, my sis stopping by in between work... Although moving was a lot of work, and cost money, and was pretty stressful, it was TOTALLY worth it. I'm so happy to be back 'home'. And I will never take another sunny day for granted. Ever.