Sunday, January 23, 2011


I do not like to cook. I have never liked to cook. I don't know if it's the obligation of having to cook, or just not having a creative mind to come up with good recipes. I go through spurts of cooking a lot, and then just getting by with a few staple recipes. I don't think I'm a bad cook, it's just not something I would choose to do in my free time. I'd rather be sun bathing on a beach.

The other night, I made beef stroganoff in the Crock-Pot. It was pretty good, and super easy. I have been introducing Lincoln to new foods, and he LOVED it. When he had finished his portion, he started licking his highchair tray!!! How's that for some encouragement?

I guess I won't give up on cooking just yet. I have hungry boys who love my cooking. And I can't complain about that!

Lincoln in his favorite spot...the highchair.

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