Monday, January 3, 2011

December Re-Cap

December seemed like a blur to me. (as you can tell from me being MIA)

I love the holidays and Christmas time, but I felt myself constantly reminding myself to enjoy the moment. Remember the reason of Christmas.

It's so easy to get caught up in the baking, presents, wrapping, gifts, lights and before you know it- it's over. Even Gavin reminded me, "It's not about the stuff, Mom. It's all about Jesus." How true that is.

Here's is a brief "re-cap" on our December...

Me & the boys at the "Lights of Christmas" (Joe was there too, but he was the photographer.)

It was absolutely freeeeeeezing!! But we bundled up, and had a great time. There were millions of lights, Santa, and HOT COFFEE! :)

The boys & Santa

Our Tree

Gavin & Gram making the annual "Ice Box Cake" on Christmas Eve

We got home pretty late on Christmas Eve, but Gavin wanted to leave Santa a note. (Notice how nice his writing is...I'm so proud.) :)

Christmas morning!! Gavin was sooooo excited. Santa brought him a custom pair of Bat Wings, and his first skateboard.

And here is Linc, just hanging out. :)

This may have been my favorite Christmas ever. Passing down traditions from when I was a kid, and creating our own. Experiencing Christmas through my children's eyes was amazing. It brings me back to the innocence, the joy, and the true reason of why we celebrate Christmas.

Oh- and did I mention that our family was in a Christmas play at church?? Yes, that's right. Joe was Joseph, I was Mary and Lincoln was (yep you guessed it) Baby Jesus. And what a cute Jesus he was. :)

1 comment:

courtney said...

So cute! Love all the pics. Next year is gonna be amazingly crazy! Imagine all 4 of the little shrimps running around!!!!!