Thursday, July 15, 2010

Happy Half Birthday, Lincoln

Happy half birthday little boy.

You are such an angel. You have added so much joy and happiness to our family. Although you are only 6 months, I can sense your sweet spirit. You always have a smile on your face. You light up when I walk into the room and that melts my heart. You entered this world so quickly and have changed our lives forever. God has chosen me and daddy to raise you, guide you and teach you. I’m forever grateful for the opportunity to influence your life, teach you about the love of Jesus, teach you how to respect yourself, and to love others.

Your laugh is infectious. And you laugh about everything. When I change your clothes, tickle your neck, run your little legs, and kiss your belly. You can sit for hours, following Gavin around the room, watching him play super heroes or run around. I can’t wait for you two to play together, and learn the love of being a brother.

One of my favorite things about you besides your smile is your feet. You have a death grip with those toes, always moving and playing with them. It's so stinkin' cute!

I waited anxiously for 9 months to hold you and cuddle you, and now you’re here. I have enjoyed every single moment with you. I love you.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I can't tell you how much I enjoy reading your blog when i come home at night, and I love the photos! One of my favorites are Lincolns chubby little baby feet! Keep up the good work. You are such a great wife & Mom!