15th days down, 16 more to go.
Surprisingly, I'm really enjoying my list and have quite a few things done. :)
I have successfully:
2. Worn something out I would usually NEVER wear. Normally, I would never, EVER, wear leggings out in public. I know this may not seem like a big deal, but I'm pretty self conscious about my chicken legs. I was pleasantly surprised that no one pointed or laughed.
4. Cooked 2 new recipes. I made Pork Marsala, and Chicken Pitas with Sun Dried Tomato Vinaigrette. Both very tasty. :)
7. Give someone a compliment. I didn't realize, but I actually do this quite a bit. I guess it's the encourager in me.
11. Memorized 1 bible verses.
Galatians 5:22 "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faitfulness and self-control.
13. Teach my kids a valuable lesson. It's a little hard to teach Lincoln a valuable lesson, but I decided to have Gavin memorize the bible verses with me. I figured reading and memorizing God's word would count as a valuable lesson. We talked about the fruit of the Spirit.
When I asked him what each word meant, this is what he said: "Love means loving people, joy is to be happy, peace is being quiet, patience is waiting your turn, kindness is being nice toward people, goodness is being good- not bad, faithfulness is believing in God, gentleness is being gentle and self-control is controlling your actions." Wow- I'm blessed to have such a smart little boy who loves God's word!
14. Sew a piece of clothing! Yes, I did. I might be ready to conquer the world now. See below.
I sewed the skirt. It's a little hard to see, but it is black with tiny white polka dots, and it has pockets. Don't be jealous of my wonderful modeling skills...
More to follow...
UGH! You are SO beating me. I've still done like 2 things. Maybe if I could drag my behind off the couch I could actually accomplish something:)
You have a pretty good excuse, I guess. I'll give you a break. ;)
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