Wednesday, July 14, 2010

4th of July

I love 4th of July. Some of my greatest memories as a kid is going to Grandpa's house, barbecuing, eating watermelon and watching fireworks. It would be a late night, but the weather was always warm and I especially loved getting to spit watermelon seeds at my sisters. :)
Although this year was quite chilly (55 degrees! and raining), our 4th of July was still very eventful. Gavin made his annual appearance in the Arlington Kiddie Parade, riding his scooter decked out in red, white and blue. The anntenae were his idea. After warming our toes, we headed out to the beach for a barbeque, bonfire, and fireworks. Joe, being the pyro he is, did a great job with the fireworks display. Good times were had by all. Until the next morning, when the kids were super cranky from a late night. Oh well, it was worth it!

Parade photos:

Yes people, it's July 4th, and I'm wearing a blanket. What's wrong with this picture?!?

Here he comes!

Such a happy baby!

Gavin and Aspen

Some sparkler action!

More fireworks pictures to come...


Anonymous said...

such a fun COLD day! thanks for sharing it with us!

courtney said...

Love all the pics- my favorite thing in them... Gavin's hair:):):)