Sunday, August 1, 2010

Lincoln's First Foods

Lincoln is 6 months, so I decided it was time to try solids. I remember how anxious I was with Gavin, but this time around I was in no hurry. Not only is it time consuming, it's messy. Remind me why I should be looking forward to this? I started with the usual rice cereal. Let's just say the face says it all...

Lincoln was not buying it.

So I decided to move onto to veggies, because let's face it- rice cereal has got to be one of the most boring foods on the planet. Even I wouldn't eat it. Still no luck. Maybe I could forgo baby food altogether, and just wait until he has teeth and can eat solids. Is that allowed?

Even Gavin tried. Have I mentioned that Lincoln has the most amazing big brother? Gavin is ALWAYS so willing to help out! :)

1 comment:

courtney said...

You could totally skip baby food. Just mash up some bland stuff you guys are already eating...easier and cheaper too! Plus just could buy a magic bullet with all the $ you save not buying baby food:):):)