July 15th.
15th days down, 16 more to go.
Surprisingly, I'm really enjoying my list and have quite a few things done. :)
I have successfully:
2. Worn something out I would usually NEVER wear. Normally, I would never, EVER, wear leggings out in public. I know this may not seem like a big deal, but I'm pretty self conscious about my chicken legs. I was pleasantly surprised that no one pointed or laughed.
4. Cooked 2 new recipes. I made Pork Marsala, and
Chicken Pitas with Sun Dried Tomato Vinaigrette. Both very tasty. :)
7. Give someone a compliment. I didn't realize, but I actually do this quite a bit. I guess it's the encourager in me.
11. Memorized 1 bible verses.
Galatians 5:22 "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faitfulness and self-control.
13. Teach my kids a valuable lesson. It's a little hard to teach Lincoln a valuable lesson, but I decided to have Gavin memorize the bible verses with me. I figured reading and memorizing God's word would count as a valuable lesson. We talked about the fruit of the Spirit.
When I asked him what each word meant, this is what he said: "Love means loving people, joy is to be happy, peace is being quiet, patience is waiting your turn, kindness is being nice toward people, goodness is being good- not bad, faithfulness is believing in God, gentleness is being gentle and self-control is controlling your actions." Wow- I'm blessed to have such a smart little boy who loves God's word!
14. Sew a piece of clothing! Yes, I did. I might be ready to conquer the world now. See below.

I sewed the skirt. It's a little hard to see, but it is black with tiny white polka dots, and it has pockets. Don't be jealous of my wonderful modeling skills...
More to follow...