Saturday, June 19, 2010

This is Me.

I love pickles. And poached eggs. I love to sleep and am cranky when I don't get enough. Music almost always puts me in a better mood. I love to play piano. Hummingbirds will always remind me of my Grandma. I love sunsets and warm weather. I like my feet, especially when they are freshly manicured. Naps on Sunday afternoon make me happy. I don't like being the center of attention. I could quote every Friends episode. I wish I could sing. I have a slight obsession with clean teeth. Swimming in lakes creep me out. I really dislike the wind. I love when my kids smile. I like it best when they hug me. I strive everyday to be a better person than I was the day before.

1 comment:

courtney said...

Ok besides playing the piano and hating the wind- I could have totally written that about me!!! DooodoooDooodooo (that's the twilight zone theme song playing)