Monday, May 24, 2010

Mr. Smarty Pants

Gavin's preschool days are quickly ending. Gavin absolutely loves his school, and his teacher is amazing. He has gone on so many cool field trips, including the dentist office, pumpkin patch, fire station, nursery, kangaroo farm and the beach. It's hard to believe that my little boy will be starting kindergarten soon. Here are a few things Gavin learned at school this year:

1. All the ABC's and the letter sounds
2. Can count from 1 to 100
3. Can count to 100 by 10's
4. Some planets have volcanoes on them
5. The moon is a rock, and the sun has a lot of explosions
6. There are 8 planets, and Pluto is not a planet anymore.
7. If your clothes are on fire, first you cover your eyes, then STOP, drop and roll. If you're in a fire, don't be scared and get out fast.
8. You have to have soil, rain, and sun to grow things.
9. You have to take good care of your teeth, cause you only have one more pair.
10. A baby kangaroo is called a little joey. (Same as my daddy's!)

(Dictated by Gavin Boyd...aka Mr. Smarty Pants!)

And this is only the beginning! I'm so amazed at how much he has grown and learned this year. He is such a bright, kind-hearted, fun-loving kid. I'm so blessed he is part of our family!!! :)

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