I've always had the desire to be a blogger. I guess I always fear, if I start it- I'll never finish it. It seems that life just creeps its way in, and the moment I have some peace and quiet to unload some thoughts- it's 10 pm and I'm exhausted. So after almost 2 years of no postings, I'm giving it another try. Although my life is probably more hectic than it was two years ago- I guess I'll have more to blog about, right? ;) After all, it's only 9:20 and I have some peace and quiet. That should give me some hope!
About us: Baby Boyd #2 was born in January, Lincoln Joseph. Gavin was such a good baby, I thought for sure I was in for it with the next one. But once again, God's grace is far more amazing that I could ever imagine and Lincoln is an absolute angel. He eats, plays and sleeps. (With very minimal crying in between) He started sleeping through the night at 2 1/2 months, without me trying to "train" him at all! WOW! Gavin loves his brother more than anything, and I already can see an amazing bond between them. Gavin is 5, and ready to start kindergarten in the fall. I can't believe how quickly life is passing by. Since Lincoln has arrived, I have really been able to enjoy the day to day moments.
Joe is beginning a new adventure, working for Tony Robbins as a Coaching Consultant. He is so excited to help people change their lives for the better, and I'm thrilled he has a job he will (hopefully!) enjoy. We both feel peace about this change and excited to what the future has for him.
Yesterday Gavin was helping me make meatballs for dinner. He was a little apprehensive of mixing raw meat with his bare hands, but needless to say- he was a great helper. After we ate, he said "Mommy, thank you for making dinner!" Me: "You are very welcome Gavin" Pause. Gavin: "Aren't you forgetting something....??" Me: "Thank you for helping me!" Gavin just smiled.
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