Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Day 15- Three Little Words

I'm thankful for words. Last night, when I was giving Lincoln a bath, I was recording a video to send to Gram (aka Joe's mom). Nothing fancy, just a "Hi- We miss you..." Toward the beginning of the video, Lincoln says "I love you." I'm not sure if he meant to say it, because he wasn't repeating after me, but it totally sounds like it.

Most of you know, Lincoln is delayed in his speech by about 60% (compared to other kids his age). He has been going to speech for about 4 months, and I've seen slight improvements, but not as much as I was hoping for. I know he will talk eventually, and he is probably just stubborn like his Daddy, but it was still very exciting to hear him talk and clearly put three words together.

I will never forgot that moment when I heard him say those three little words.


JoeBoyd said...

SO cute..makes my heart leap. even if it was a mistake or not. so glad you caught that on film. :)

courtney said...

Love the video. Love the kid. Period:)