Today, I'm thankful for who I am. I have an extremely blessed life and I wouldn't change anything about it. Even though being a mom, wife, employee, friend, sister, and daughter isn't always easy, it's who I am. I will always strive to be the best I can, love others, give more than I receive and focus on all that I have rather than what I don't.
I will always remember these last 30 days of Thanksgiving....
And I still have infinitely more to be thankful for.
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Day 29- Transportation
Today, I'm thankful for my reliable car. I'm thankful that I don't have to drag my kids on the bus with all the gear. I'm thankful I can run to the store whenever I need to, and I'm thankful that I can blast my Christmas music as loud as I want to.
Monday, November 28, 2011
Day 28- Routines
Today, I'm thankful for routines. As I mentioned before, we had TONS of guests in the past week. 11 people to be exact. It was busy, crazy and loud and I loved it! But now I'm ready to get Gavin back in school, get Linc back into his nap schedule and have some serious down time.
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Day 27- Quality Time
Today I'm thankful for quality time with Gavin. Joe stayed with Lincoln, and I was able to take Gavin to Disneyland (again!). It was awesome to take the busyness of wrestling a two year old all day, and just focus on what Gavin wanted to do. It was awesome!
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Day 26- Christmas Season
I'm thankful that it's the Christmas Season! Definitely my second favorite time of the year (after summer, of course!). I'm getting out the Christmas decorations, and turning my house into a Winter Wonderland! WooHoo!
Now if it would only cool down. Today it's 80 degrees. I've got the windows open and the fans on. That doesn't exactly say Christmas...
Now if it would only cool down. Today it's 80 degrees. I've got the windows open and the fans on. That doesn't exactly say Christmas...
Friday, November 25, 2011
Day 25- No Where to Go!
Today, I'm thankful that I don't have to be anywhere. That we can sleep in and I don't have to rush out the door and get Gavin to school. I'm also thankful NOT to be in the Black Friday madness.
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Day 24- Thanksgiving
I'm so thankful for my Mom-in-law. I'm thankful for our close relationship and all the time we have spent together. Especially on this Thanksgiving, I'm thankful she taught me all her amazing recipes and that I was able to learn her techniques about hosting Thanksgiving. Our thanksgiving dinner wouldn't have turned out if it wasn't for her!
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Day 23- Sisters
I'm thankful for the close relationship with my sisters. I treasure all our "inside" jokes, hassling our parents together, supporting each other and calling each other for completely random reasons.
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Day 22- Disneyland
Sorry I've been MIA, we have had a ton of guests in and out of the house for the past week and a half, and things have been crazy!!
Back to my 30 days of Thanksgiving...
Day 22-I'm thankful to have the opportunity to take my kids to Disneyland. We have gotten free tickets randomly from a few different people and it has been such a blessing!
Back to my 30 days of Thanksgiving...
Day 22-I'm thankful to have the opportunity to take my kids to Disneyland. We have gotten free tickets randomly from a few different people and it has been such a blessing!
Monday, November 21, 2011
Day 21- Brothers
I'm so thankful that the boys have each other. The past few days I have really enjoyed listening to them laugh and play together, and it helps to have a few minutes to myself to get things done, too!
I'm thankful they will always have the bond of being brothers. They will share secrets, laugh together, and grow up together. I wouldn't have it any other way...
I'm thankful they will always have the bond of being brothers. They will share secrets, laugh together, and grow up together. I wouldn't have it any other way...

Sunday, November 20, 2011
Day 20- Favor
I'm thankful for favor. I'm thankful for little surprises that show up out of nowhere. I'm thankful that during times of struggle, I have confidence that my God will provide my every need (and then some!)
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Day 19- Cali
Today, I'm thankful that I live in sunny California. I'm thankful that I can head down to the beach any day I want, and I'm thankful that my kids are able to play and enjoy the outdoors.
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Day 18- Random
I'm thankful for all the little things throughout my day that make me smile.
Lincoln happily calling me from his crib,
Hugs from my boys,
Laughing till my stomach hurts,
and peppermint mocha creamer.
Oh and crazy nap-time hair...
Lincoln happily calling me from his crib,
Hugs from my boys,
Laughing till my stomach hurts,
and peppermint mocha creamer.
Oh and crazy nap-time hair...
Day 17- Free Air
Today, I'm thankful for the man at the gas station that let me fill my tires up with air for free. Yes, it would have only cost me $1, but it totally made my day.
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Day 16- Encouragement
I'm thankful for the people in my life that build me up. I'm thankful for those who challenge me to be a better person. There is so much hurt, struggle, disappointment and frustration everywhere you look, and sometimes it's hard to see through it. To all my friends and family- thank you for sticking by me, giving me support, encouraging words and a shoulder to cry on.
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Day 15- Three Little Words
I'm thankful for words. Last night, when I was giving Lincoln a bath, I was recording a video to send to Gram (aka Joe's mom). Nothing fancy, just a "Hi- We miss you..." Toward the beginning of the video, Lincoln says "I love you." I'm not sure if he meant to say it, because he wasn't repeating after me, but it totally sounds like it.
Most of you know, Lincoln is delayed in his speech by about 60% (compared to other kids his age). He has been going to speech for about 4 months, and I've seen slight improvements, but not as much as I was hoping for. I know he will talk eventually, and he is probably just stubborn like his Daddy, but it was still very exciting to hear him talk and clearly put three words together.
I will never forgot that moment when I heard him say those three little words.
Monday, November 14, 2011
Day 14- Sunrises
I'm thankful the sunrise. Since the time change, I've been getting up awfully early this past week (due to the kids schedules, not mine!). As most of you know, I'm NOT a morning person! As I got up this morning, I was able to squeak in a few minutes of quiet before the kiddos woke up and the chaos began. Sunrises and sunsets are most definitely one of my favorite things. It is such a simple reminder that my Creator, so powerful and big, could create something so delicate and beautiful. It was His reminder to me today, that despite being up early (which I am always to quick to complain about) I should refocus on Him and the beauty he has created around me.
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Day 13- Sundays
I'm thankful for Sundays. For lazy days on the couch, for spending time with my family, and eating a yummy meal. I'm ready for the week! Bring it on! :)
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Friday, November 11, 2011
Day 11- Freedom
I know I'm a day late on this...
Today, I'm thankful for my freedom. I'm thankful to all the Veterans who have served our country (especially my Grandpa and Grandma!)
I'm also thankful that my sis (and fam) are out visiting. I love spending time with her and my nieces, but I especially love that when the kids get up at 5:30, she was up too. I love having someone I can commiserate with.
Today, I'm thankful for my freedom. I'm thankful to all the Veterans who have served our country (especially my Grandpa and Grandma!)
I'm also thankful that my sis (and fam) are out visiting. I love spending time with her and my nieces, but I especially love that when the kids get up at 5:30, she was up too. I love having someone I can commiserate with.
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Day 10- Gavin's Teacher
I'm thankful for Gavin's school and his teacher. I'm thankful I live in a country where my children will get a good education. I'm thankful that his teacher cares enough to challenge them, teach them and spend everyday pouring into him.
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Day 9- Family
I'm so incredibly thankful for my family. I'm thankful to be back near them, to see them, laugh with them, and share meals together. I'm thankful for my Dad, who loves me unconditionally, will always support me in anything I do, and makes me laugh. I'm thankful for my Mom, who is compassionate, giving and has shaped who I am today. I'm so thankful for my two amazing sisters. I'm thankful for our friendships and for all the countless memories we have together.
I thank the Lord for knitting our family together. I couldn't imagine my life without them.
I thank the Lord for knitting our family together. I couldn't imagine my life without them.
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Day 8- Friendships
Today, I'm thankful for my friends. I'm thankful for those who have known me for what seems like forever, and have always been there for me. I'm thankful for new friendships I have made in the last few months. Transitioning back to CA has been difficult sometimes, but I'm so thankful to have met new people and finally feel a sense of community again.
Side note: My heart has been filled with prayer for the Garka family today. Their 3 year old son, Mason, was born with a heart defect and has his third and final open heart surgery today. I can't even fathom having to go through something like that. If you have a chance, say a prayer for him. You can read more about his story at
Side note: My heart has been filled with prayer for the Garka family today. Their 3 year old son, Mason, was born with a heart defect and has his third and final open heart surgery today. I can't even fathom having to go through something like that. If you have a chance, say a prayer for him. You can read more about his story at
Monday, November 7, 2011
Day 7- My work
7. Today, I'm thankful for my job. I have been blessed with the incredible opportunity to work from my home which allows me to help with our finances, and still commit to taking care of my kids. I have been working at Green Dog Enterprises for 4 1/2 years now, and I have learned more than I ever thought possible. It has opened my eyes to my own abilities and stretched me to grow in so many ways.

Thanks, Pam!
P.S. Check out our new website, if you haven't already! :)

Thanks, Pam!
P.S. Check out our new website, if you haven't already! :)
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Day 6- Jesus
Above anything else, I'm most thankful for Jesus. I'm so humbled by his unfailing love. I've been blessed with the incredible gift of freedom from my past, from shame, from sin, from death. I live everyday knowing that His love will never leave me. His loves goes beyond anything I could ever imagine. Thank you, Jesus, for loving me enough to die for me.
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Day 5- My hubs
I'm thankful for my husband. I'm so thankful for his love for me and our children. I thankful that he gets up every morning to work hard to provide for us. That he sets aside time to play with our kids. I'm thankful for his humor and that he can ALWAYS make me laugh. Despite the hard times we have been through, no one could have supported me, loved me, and held me up better than him. Love you, babe!
Friday, November 4, 2011
Day 4- Seasons
4. Today, I'm thankful for the rain. Although it doesn't rain much here is sunny California, I'm so glad that the rain washes away the dirt and muck, and will nourish and bring forth new growth in the spring. I'm thankful for new seasons, and for change. I love knowing that even during the difficult seasons of life, a new season will come and bring new changes. Sometimes those changes are uncomfortable at first, but after learning to adapt and accept the change there are new lessons to be learned.
I'm thankful for my home, the roof over my head and protection from outside storms. I'm thankful I have a place to go when life gets tough, a place where I have open arms waiting to comfort me and support me.
I'm thankful for my home, the roof over my head and protection from outside storms. I'm thankful I have a place to go when life gets tough, a place where I have open arms waiting to comfort me and support me.
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Day 3- Laundry
I have been contemplating what to write today. Summing up everything I am thankful for in just 30 days made me realize how MUCH I have. While sitting on the floor, surrounded by piles of laundry (which had been put off for a while...), I realized I'm thankful for just that. The PILES of laundry. Seems silly, but while doing a chore I hate- I'm thankful that I have clothes. I'm thankful I can send Gavin to school in clean clothes that fit. I'm thankful that when Lincoln dumps his cereal on his head, he has something else to put on. It's definitely time to stop complaining and think. I could have nothing.
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Day 2- My Children

2. Today I'm thankful for my two beautiful children. I'm thankful they are healthy. I'm thankful for their smiles. I'm thankful they fill my home with more laughter and love than I could ever imagine.
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
30 Days of Thanksgiving
Because there are way too many things in my life that I take for granted, and I want to be reminded how blessed I am...
1. I'm thankful for all my past experiences that have shaped me into the person I am. I'm thankful for my current struggles because I know those will grow me into a better person. And in the midst of the difficulties, His grace will always be enough.
1. I'm thankful for all my past experiences that have shaped me into the person I am. I'm thankful for my current struggles because I know those will grow me into a better person. And in the midst of the difficulties, His grace will always be enough.
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