I've been doing a lot of that lately. Pondering. Thinking. Rationalizing. Which I've come to realize can be my biggest motivator, or my biggest enemy.
Sometimes I find myself angry or jealous, wishing things were different, easier, or quicker. Lincoln is teething right now, and it has been a HUGE patience builder. (He's getting 4 teeth at once!! Poor boy!) He has been extremely needy and fussy, wanting to be held all the time. But I'm learning to re-train my brain. I have two choices, dwell on the fact that dinner might never get finished and my house may always be a mess, or enjoy those precious with my little boy. My default reaction is automatic frustration, but my reaction is still a choice. So I've been choosing joy, peace and patience. Although it takes time to re-train my mind, soon it will become a habit, and my "default reactions" will change.
I'm thankful for the ability to control my mind and thoughts. I'm not a victim of my situation, but I write my story. I choose my attitude. Yes, it's simple. It's something I've always known, but it's definitely a challenge to actually do it!
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