Thursday, October 7, 2010

Go Mariners!

The other weekend, our great friends offered us two Mariner tickets. It was last minute, so we weren't able to get a sitter in time. We were going to attempt to pack up the whole family, but it was a 7 o'clock game, and I didn't feel like wrestling with Lincoln for two hours in the stands. So Joe and Gavin had a "daddy date." Of course, we couldn't send the Gavin without the proper attire. :)

Gavin loves going to games, mostly for the cotton candy- notice the blue lips. Haha! Needless to say, they had a great time. And I enjoyed a quiet evening watching a chick flick and making popcorn.

1 comment:

Vanessa said...

Looks like they had a fun night! Cute pics! Glad you had a relaxing night, too:)