Friday, August 6, 2010

The Grocery Store

I'm having a hard time motivating myself to be healthier. I really want to start exercising, eating healthier and drinking more water. Joe and I were talking and he really put things in perspective. He said I need to stop thinking about the process, and just do it.

Going to the Grocery Store

My thought process:
So, I need to go to the grocery store. When am I going to go? Should I go before or after Lincoln eats? Will he need to nap? Has Gavin eaten lunch? Should I bring some snacks? Will the kids be good? How much time do I have?

I need to make a list first. What do we have? What do we need? What is the dinner menu for the week? Where's my cookbook? Is it healthy? Will I keep my budget?

Time to pack up the kids. Do I have the diaper bag? Diapers? Wipes? Outfit in case of a blow out? Paci? Toy? Where's Gavin? Does Gavin has shoes? Do I have both car seats? Do I have my reusable bags? Ok. Let's go.

On to the store. Can I find a parking spot? Is it close? Shopping cart or stroller? Is Gavin walking or riding in cart? Where's Gavin? Is Gavin going to behave? Can I make it through the store without bribing him? Will Lincoln behave? Double check for paci.

How can I shop as quickly as possible? What's on the list? Is it on sale? Do they have it? If not, what can I get instead? Look over basket. Do I have everything? Is it in the budget? I probably don't NEED that. But I really want it. Guess, I'll put it back. Where's the shortest line? Does the lady in front of me have coupons or paying with a bag of change? Where's Gavin?

Time to load up the groceries. Kids in the car? Groceries in the car? Where are the eggs? Ok, I'm home. I need to unload the groceries. First, I should feed Lincoln. I've got to put the food away. Maybe I'll just do the cold stuff. Gavin's hungry. What should I feed him?

Is it time for a nap yet?!?

And that is just grocery shopping.


Anonymous said...


Amanda said...

I have a rule in my hubby stays home with the kids and I got to the grocery store by myself! I meal plan, make the list and off I go! Kids go with me on small trips for an item or two. Good luck and make the crockpot your best friend for healthy and easy meals.

The Boyd Family said...

Amanda- great idea! My hubby used to go to the store for me (with a VERY specific list!), but he has been working loooong hours, so it's back to me. I will be doing more crock pot stuff for sure!!