April was a blur. Here's what I've been doing:
1. Unpacking. With lots of room, but not a lot of furniture, it poses for some challenges. Stacking things in the corners is working pretty well.
2. Cleaning. And lots of it. I have tons of wood floors now, so I'm training Lincoln to wear a mop on his belly and crawl around.
3. Painting. Three rooms down, two to go. Whew.
4. Working. I've officially mastered the talent of multi-tasking. We had some challenges getting the internet hooked up at the house, so I was a wondering nomad for the first two weeks of April. I've been putting in about 20 hours a week, and between dropping/ picking up Gavin from school, Lincoln's naps, breakfast, lunch, and playtime- you learn to get creative. I can now type and sleep at the same time.
5. Gavin started school. I was going to wait and put him in school in September, but I didn't have the time to devote to homeschooling him. He LOVES it, but we have to be up and out of the house by 7:20. Let's just say, I'm the disheveled mother who shows up in my pajamas everyday. Everyone else is way to put together for me.... I don't do mornings.
6. Soaking up the Sun! Since I haven't seen sun in the past four years, I have a lot of catching up to do. Time to break out the SPF 100.
7. Garage sailing. My new favorite hobby. Where else can you get a brand new rug, baby gate, and hardwood vacuum for $20? And the Craigslist free section can be very addicting. We got two leather couches (just a little beat up) for FREE! I may never pay full price for anything again.
8. And what I'm enjoying most: Spending time with my family. Weekly dinners at Dad's, having Mom over to hang and play with the kids, my sis stopping by in between work... Although moving was a lot of work, and cost money, and was pretty stressful, it was TOTALLY worth it. I'm so happy to be back 'home'. And I will never take another sunny day for granted. Ever.