(Sorry the pic is a little blurry)
Maybe it's the lack of sleep, or the chaos that having two kids creates, but I can hardly believe that Lincoln is 9 1/2 months. Where has the time gone?!?
It literally seems like yesterday I had a huge belly, and was waiting impatiently for our little munchkin to come. Wow!
He's 18.8 lbs (16%), and 28.5 in. in length (51%)...maybe he's going to be a little skinny minnie like me. ;)
Within the past week he has really starting crawling: into purses, under tables, near the fireplace, next to the trash can, under the keyboard. Ok...I may need to make some adjustments to my "baby proofing." I have a feeling this kid is going to be into everything. It doesn't help that we are renting and shouldn't exactly be drilling locks and gates into the walls. Oh well- time to improvise. If you come to my house and you have to climb over the couch to get into the kitchen, don't be surprised. It's time to get creative.
I'm so excited to celebrate his "firsts" this holiday season! (Just between you and me, I've already broken out the Christmas jammies...) Although, I'm still pondering how we will attempt a Christmas tree... Gates. Lots of gates.

He found his toy box and was digging through it all on his own. Seriously?!? That kid cracks me up!

I forgot to put this up on the Halloween post. Thanks Grammie for the bib!