Sunday, January 15, 2012

Happy Birthday, Lincoln!

I remember the first time I saw your face.  Your perfectly shaped almond eyes, and your tiny little fingers.  I remember holding you for the first time and feeling an overwhelming peace.  I had no idea the journey you would take us on the next two years.  I had no idea what your personality would be like and how perfectly you would fit into our little family. 
You light up our family.  The past two years you have brought us more laughs than I ever thought possible.  My favorite memories are eating dinner together and you making the silliest faces just to hear us laugh again.
You are slowly learning to talk, but have made tremendous progress the past few months.  You are always on the go, and love having me chase after you. (You certainly give me my workout!) 
You love your brother so much and I LOVE watching the two of you play, wrestle, and chase after each other.
You are my baby boy and you have made me one proud Momma. 

I. Love. You.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Day 30- The End

Today, I'm thankful for who I am. I have an extremely blessed life and I wouldn't change anything about it. Even though being a mom, wife, employee, friend, sister, and daughter isn't always easy, it's who I am. I will always strive to be the best I can, love others, give more than I receive and focus on all that I have rather than what I don't.

I will always remember these last 30 days of Thanksgiving....

And I still have infinitely more to be thankful for.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Day 29- Transportation

Today, I'm thankful for my reliable car. I'm thankful that I don't have to drag my kids on the bus with all the gear. I'm thankful I can run to the store whenever I need to, and I'm thankful that I can blast my Christmas music as loud as I want to.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Day 28- Routines

Today, I'm thankful for routines. As I mentioned before, we had TONS of guests in the past week. 11 people to be exact. It was busy, crazy and loud and I loved it! But now I'm ready to get Gavin back in school, get Linc back into his nap schedule and have some serious down time.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Day 27- Quality Time

Today I'm thankful for quality time with Gavin. Joe stayed with Lincoln, and I was able to take Gavin to Disneyland (again!). It was awesome to take the busyness of wrestling a two year old all day, and just focus on what Gavin wanted to do. It was awesome!

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Day 26- Christmas Season

I'm thankful that it's the Christmas Season! Definitely my second favorite time of the year (after summer, of course!). I'm getting out the Christmas decorations, and turning my house into a Winter Wonderland! WooHoo!

Now if it would only cool down. Today it's 80 degrees. I've got the windows open and the fans on. That doesn't exactly say Christmas...

Friday, November 25, 2011

Day 25- No Where to Go!

Today, I'm thankful that I don't have to be anywhere. That we can sleep in and I don't have to rush out the door and get Gavin to school. I'm also thankful NOT to be in the Black Friday madness.